Busting Plumbing Myths with Full Spectrum’s Expertise

Busting Plumbing Myths with Full Spectrum’s Expertise


Love is in the air, and at Full Spectrum Plumbing, we’re channeling that love into debunking some common plumbing myths! Just as love needs the truth to thrive, so does the health of your home’s plumbing. Let’s dive into these myths and shine a light on what really works.

1. Myth: Lemons Freshen Your Garbage Disposal

Who doesn’t love the fresh scent of lemons? While they might give your garbage disposal a temporary fragrance boost, they’re not the cleaning heroes we often think they are. The citric acid in lemons can be harsh on your disposal’s blades and pipes over time.

The Truth: A better way to freshen up your disposal is by grinding ice cubes, which help sharpen the blades, and then using a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. This natural cleaning solution effectively removes grime and keeps your disposal smelling fresh without causing damage.

2. Myth: Bricks in Toilet Tanks Save Water

The old trick of placing a brick in your toilet tank to save water seems clever, but it’s a bit of a plumbing faux pas. Over time, bricks can deteriorate and damage the internal mechanisms of your toilet, leading to inefficiency and even more water wastage.

The Truth: If you’re looking to save water, consider installing a dual-flush toilet. These toilets offer two flush options – one for liquid waste and another for solid waste – allowing you to use just the right amount of water for each flush. It’s an eco-friendly and effective way to reduce water usage.

3. Myth: Running Water Prevents Disposal Clogs

It’s a common belief that keeping the water running while using the garbage disposal will prevent clogs. However, the real culprit behind clogs is often what we put down the disposal.

The Truth: To keep your disposal clog-free, avoid putting fibrous, starchy, or greasy items down the drain. And while running cold water can help solidify and move grease through the pipes, it’s not a cure-all for preventing clogs.

4. Myth: DIY Plumbing Always Saves Money

DIY can be tempting, especially with online tutorials just a click away. However, plumbing is a field where expertise and experience count. What starts as a simple fix can quickly turn into a complex problem if not handled correctly.

The Truth: For anything beyond basic maintenance, it’s wise to call in the professionals. At Full Spectrum Plumbing, we have the tools and know-how to tackle complex plumbing issues efficiently, saving you from potentially costly mistakes.

5. Myth: Dripping Faucets Aren’t a Big Deal

That constant drip-drip might not seem like much, but it’s like a slow leak in your wallet. Over time, a dripping faucet can waste a significant amount of water, contributing to higher utility bills and environmental strain.

The Truth: Addressing a dripping faucet promptly can save water and money. Often, the fix is as simple as replacing a worn washer or a faulty part. Regular maintenance can keep these small issues from turning into bigger problems.

Loving your home means taking care of its plumbing. Dispelling these myths is part of how Full Spectrum Plumbing ensures your systems work efficiently and sustainably. If you bump into a plumbing puzzle, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to keep the love – and water – flowing in the right direction in your home. Remember, a well-maintained home is a happy home! If you encounter any plumbing myths or problems, remember, Full Spectrum Plumbing is just a call away.